Why Choose a Based Call Center
What makes Tech Ambience’s Call Center different from other call centers out there?
Our Executives tried to find a call center or telemarketing company that could really produce qualified business leads for a variety of B2B products. They failed multiple times and at great expense. But we learned from our mistakes. So when we started our own call center in Florida, we carefully tested and tweaked our procedures. And we hit on a winning strategy. Our formula works, and we will make it work for you!
What kind of call center are you? Do you call businesses, consumers or both?
For the most part we handle only business-to-business (b2b) calls and do not call consumers. The exceptions are for political polling, surveys, and charity fund-raising.
How are you doing in terms of sales?
We are pleased to report that our call center is a rapidly growing division of our company. We would be pleased to provide details!
Why would I want to hire a US call center for a higher rate per hour when I can hire one for $8.00 per hour?
Because we learned the hard way that it’s better to pay a little more for a call center that gets you results than to save some money upfront but lose your investment in the end through a lack of results. We experienced this pain so you won’t have to; The Tech Ambience Call Center has a proven track record of successful approaches and procedures all designed for one thing: to produce results for you.
My company offers a very niche product. I don’t think that your callers could understand it.
The job of our callers is not to be product experts. Their job is to clearly and concisely explain what your product is and what it does, find out if the potential customer is interested, and if they are, to transfer that person to a specialist within your company who can explain the product in more detail and answer any questions.
I’m not sure what would be more cost-effective for my project: outsourcing to a third party or hiring in-house.
It is definitely more cost-effective to outsource your project to a proven vendor than starting the project in house. Here’s why: handling a telemarketing project doesn’t just mean making and/or answering phone calls. You have to hire, train, and manage supervisors and callers and provide office space for them to work in. You need to invest in high-speed Internet, quality phone lines, computers, data storage and backup, and software applications. And let’s not forget handling payroll. At Tech Ambience, we think we’ve mastered the art and science of running a call center. Our proven business systems will allow us to seamlessly execute your project with little testing involved.
Don’t I need a dedicated staff?
Part of what makes Tech Ambience different from other call centers is that our staff works closely and continuously with our clients. Our goal as a company is to make sure you never feel as if we took your dollars, made your calls, and you only hear from us when we want money or a renewal. We want you to be successful and we know that communication is one of the keys
DMG estimates that call center outsourcing (off shore) increases call volume by 15%, due to customers hanging up and calling back in search of a more helpful answer.Donna FlussDMG Consulting LLC
“… outsourcing (off shoring) has led to measurable decreases in customer satisfaction for a number of North American businesses. Companies that engaged in (this practice) saw a measurable decline in customer satisfaction scores.”
MIT Sloan Management